Seems to me that other people have had this issue, but I’m not quite satisfied with their solutions- it’s been a while since those posts, and I guess I’m hoping there’s a better solution.
Now, I have a horrible computer, and I’d love to experience the beauty of my own game.
So, if anyone has any fixes, do share, please!
BONUS: I set the animation for those bunnies to looped (animationTrack.Looped = true) and, when I run the game, they are, in fact, looped. But, when I play the game, it only plays once? And when I switch to the server, it works fine! This is all in a server script in workspace, so why is the Looped property seemingly only true for the server, and not replicated to the client???
This is a current bug inside the software of Roblox studio, this is happening to everyone and isn’t fixable.
I’ve been trying to get in contact with so many developers to actually look deep into this but no one understands what the problem is. For now keep hanging on tight.
This is not a bug. It helps low computer to use low memory and ping for producing so many particles. It is fixable by making a script which increases particle rate at low graphics