Particle Emitter Drags when Vehicle is moving

Not sure if this is the right category, please let me know if it isn’t.
Basically, I have particles attached to a chassis. This is the way the particles look like when the vehicle is stationary.

But the problem is when the vehicle isn’t stationary. It doesn’t look the same.

Is there a way I could work around this?
(Drag is 0 by the way.)

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What’s your VelocityInheritance set to?

there’s your solution. I already knew about this property anyways.

In the video it was set to 0. I was actually experimenting with this property just a couple of mins ago, but it still seems to drag similarly.

You want the sparks to stay at the wheel and not stay behind?

Check the LockedToPart Property.


I mean the property that locked the particles to the part.

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Thank you for mentioning this property. But, now my drift effect looks a little weird.


What if you lock it, but make the ParticleEmitter face back, and make the emitter speed variable depending on the speed of the vehicle?

Since my vehicle goes 90 speed at max, the particle emitter would look chaotic if I made the speed of it depend on the vehicle’s speed. I did make it face back, and rotated it a bit, and it looks much better now.

Thank you for the help on this issue.

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