For some reason a particle emitter I’m trying to use only works properly in studio and not in-game. in studio it works fine, creating a circle, but in-game it emits a huge square instead. I have tried changing the size of it, the texture, the squash, the glow, rate, despawn time, and even removing the other effects from it, none of it worked. Its also strange that when this particle emitter is used in my main place, it works fine.
Is the particle emitter loading the image each time it renders? I’m wondering if the lag caused by that is causing your glitch.
I’m just enabling the particle emitter, and turning it off after it ends, not doing anything special with it like enabling and disabling it in a loop. It doesn’t seem to cause noticeable lag either.
Did you only recently upload the image? If so it might be available in Studio, but hasn’t passed moderation yet so isn’t rendering correctly.
I just meant rendering lag in cases where people keep loading images (or audio) inside of a loop over and over instead of just loading it once at the beginning of a script and referencing the loaded item inside the loop.
I uploaded the image a while ago, but reuploaded it due to it not working, the effect works in my main place in studio and in-game, but for some reason when I use it in this place, it creates this bug, I preload the image once so no issues from there. This could be a bug from roblox’s part but I’m not sure.
This issue was because the particle emitter I was using had the flipbook state on, even though my image wasn’t any of the resolutions it appeared to bug out and not automatically disable the flipbook. note: the first image is a recreation of the bug, but the actual bug also included the properties of the flipbook ie: flipbookMode and flipbook framerate.
what it should’ve turned to was this:
I couldn’t manually change it so I had to copy the properties from my old particle emitter.
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