Particle emitter not working

I created a Particle Emitter but it doesn’t work
What am I doing wrong?
(Thanks in advance)

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Probably the particles are being emitted on the wrong side of the part, causing it to go down instead of up.

If that’s not the case, could we get more of the Emitter Properties? Thanks

The thing is, I even added particles from the ToolBox, but it still doesn’t work.

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Like I said, we need to see more of the Emitter’s properties please

  1. Change its face.
  2. Check if its enabled.

I will test it in a completely empty project

Is the texture your own or Roblox’s?

It doesn’t work in empty project too

Part.rbxm (4.0 KB)
I can sand a part

I found the reason.
Basic roblox textures and toolbox textures don’t work in Particle Emitter but work in Frames


Mark your post as a solution if it solved your problem, thanks

Just encountered the same problem, looks like roblox did a shadow update which made it so you can only use textures that YOU or YOUR GROUP uploaded as particles.

So how did you actually fix the particle emitter? I have the same problem, but this is no help to me.

Same issue here, i have a white lightsaber now :sob:

Are you using a particle emitter? Mine’s not even showing at all.

The particles in studio don’t work at all, this is a roblox issue and nothing on your end. Apparently the particles should work in the actual client, but not studio.

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Very strange indeed, is roblox aware?

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As far as I’m aware, I’m not quite sure. Someone in the bug-reports section posted about it, so it should get fixed soon, hopefully. It’s been ongoing for quite a while now (from when I noticed around 1-2 days ago).


Particles do not work in studio, but THEY WORK IN THE GAME