Particle Emitter

So im having some trouble making my particle emitter look realistic, I want to make it look like smoke with some bit of red ash or fire coming off but if you stand too close it looks cheesy any fix?


you could make it them smaller, and the particles look abit stretched

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Maybe mixing in different colors of ash would be a good idea. ( Yellow, Orange, and Red shades. )

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The smoke is incredibly well done though I would make it a tad lighter and the sparks smaller. That type of smoke/particles you have currently would be good for forest fires because there is enough wood and fuel to create that dark of a colored smoke and big enough sparks. For a regulars fire, it would be controlled so you would want to dampen the effects… how would you say it, life?

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could you send me the smoke id? ive been trying to find a good one for a while