Particle emitter

I’m trying to make a lightsaber with particle emitters. When I disable a particle emitter it disables the opposite way. Is there a way to change it so it changes to a different way?

bellow is how it currently works by disabling/enabling via script

Instead of disabling it you can tween the lifetime to 0 so it slowly shortens, if you know what I’m saying.

You can try what @ScriptingSausage did, or use a Beam instead and tween the position of its Attachment1.

if I try to change the lifetime is says min/max cannot be changed and exepted NumberRange

Ok so after a little bit of digging, instead of giving it a number you need to give it a number range.

NumberRange (

TweenService:Create(Particle,, {Lifetime =, 0)})

I believe you can modify the TimeScale property of the particle to reverse and start the emissions. It currently doesn’t have any documentation, but I’m pretty sure this property gives you the ability to control the particle playback, sort of like reversing a video.

You definitely want to use beams here. It looks like you have a ton of particles being emiitted there which can cause lag.

PLus if you turn your Quality Level Down you will find particle emitters emit a LOT less.