(Not sure if this is the right place to post this)
I am cloning and parenting the particle emitter to the fireball but there is ~2sec delay between when its parented and the particles start emitting. Would greatly appreciate if someone could help he solve this problem
local Fire = game.ServerStorage.AbilityParts.SpikeThing:Clone()
Fire.Parent = workspace.Abilities
local PE = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientEffects.ParticleEmitter:Clone()
PE.Parent = fire
You might want to try and increase the .Speed of the ParticleEmitter as they seem to emit very slowly. Maybe even the .Rate too as it limits how many emits can be present at the time.
Code-wise, there’s not much to say as it’s fairly simple.
I’ve tried doing both, i set the rate to 500 and the speed high and still the same problem, that’s why i’m confused. Also i don’t think its the code either, just posed it just in case you guys needed it.
Set the speed to 0, and instead call :Emit(100) on the particle emitter. You can put any number in, just get a feel of what feels right. It will instantly emit any number you put.