Particle go wrong [UnSolveable?]

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    fixing Wrong rotation of the particle
    the only facing works is only when facing the LEFT WAY

  2. What is the issue?
    particle facing the wrong way, it should be facing the way humanoid is facing

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    i tired change from weldconst to weld and still not workinf, i achored the part make it worse, i used lookvector not even working, tried rotating the particle and the Part itself still not


local rotatePart = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
local newRotate = humanoidRootPart.Orientation + (rotatePart) – 
Create part local part = newPosition part.Orientation = newRotate 

inside the part

i think you don’t need to add rotartePart to the rootpart’s orientation when calculating newRotate

Set the part CFrame to CFrame.LookAt(newPosition, newPosition + forwardDirection)

cant do part.CFrame.LookAt(newPosition, newPosition + forwardDirection)
giving me an error LookAt is not a valid member of CFrame

If I do that, now the part will facing random directions, not in one direction.

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