Particle not emitting

hey guys so i have this script which emits particles when someone is hit but for some reason only one out of the 3 particles are emitted

ignore the background music lol

as u can see in the video, all particles emit, but sometimes only one emits

here is my code:

for _, v in ipairs(hitboxes) do
		v.RaycastParams = rayParams
			local enemyModel = hit.Parent
			local enemyHRP = enemyModel.HumanoidRootPart
			local enemyHum = enemyModel.Humanoid
			local hitFXAttachment = enemyHRP.Attachment:GetChildren()
			enemyHRP:ApplyImpulse(HRP.CFrame.LookVector * 890)
			for _, v: ParticleEmitter in ipairs(hitFXAttachment) do

the script is much longer but this is the only part which emits the particles
thx for the help :smiley:

Can you add a print at different statements and check the output? The code might not reach the loop.

i see i will do that and see if the problem persists or not