Today I’ve made a particle Hitting Effect, But when I try to Emit the particle it doesn’t`show.
Here is my script:
local function HitEffects()
--// Creating a New Hit Effect
local HitEffect = EffectsFolder.HitEffect:Clone()
HitEffect.CFrame = Object.PrimaryPart.CFrame
HitEffect.Parent = workspace
--// Emmision
HitEffect["Hit Particle"]:Emit(1)
The script only works when I add a wait of 1 second, possibly meaning that I’m emitting the particle before it loads, but I’m not sure.
If there is any workaround other than the wait of 1 second, please tell me, thanks a lot for your help!
You might want to replace HitEffect["Hit Particle"] with HitEffect:WaitForChild("Hit Particle") as this would wait for the particles instance to load in.
Are you immediately spawning the Hit Effect right after you join the game? If so just add a loading screen and is your script a local one or a server sided one and where is the effect located? Also check if the Hit Particle has any settings like a transparency or size adjustments.
yes I did all that, as I said adding a wait will fix the issue. This must mean that it has something to do with the loading of the particle, but I dont want to use a wait as a workaround as it is unreliable so players with slow devices may not see the particle.
then why is it not loading? There should be an attachment to the effect and then you just make the attachment parent to the part which in this case is the tree. Then loop everything inside the attachment and enable them if they are a part and Emit(1)