Any ideas on how I can improve this effect? Just making ideas to put into drafts for a game idea.
It looks odd how sparks are going onto one side, maybe make it to where sparks go on all sides?
The glow seems kinda dim, any way you can make it brighter?
It just did that at that time, they do go around most of the time (recently fixed the spread angle so now its guaranteed)
Not sure, could be the textures, or the brightness level on the particles. Could increasing the bloom in lightning help?
I updated the particles and finished the design as of now.
Added a few more particles, more glow and ambience (glow backdrop). Opinions on this?
It looks much better than before, nice!
You could add some depth effects to the lasting texture on the ground.
Not sure what you mean by that. If possible, can you show an example of what you mean?
its odd how the crack stays and pulsates translucency and visibility. the sparks shouldn’t all go to ones side, the circles look like weird rings doctor strange magic thingy and the fire emitter is like flat it should be more 3d instead of flat. and you need more smoke and small pieces of particle debris and
s tuff.
your new one is much better but the rings thingy is still there and stuff and so is the pulsation thing
The pulsating crack is meant to be there, resembling something strong hit the ground.
Could shorten it and lower the pulsating though.
The rings are there to show that it’s an explosion too.
Added debris, removed rings, shortened the effect in general, removed pulsation with the crack, added more glow, fixed ZOffset overlapping.
itts better now, but as i said add more smoke, and the crack should only last for a split second
Add some shadow effects to the crack in the ground, try to make it look like 3D a little with that.