I’m developing an aura around the player and for some reason the particle emitter which I built along with it moves around really weirdly along with the player. It rotates, stutters, does all sorts of just… strange things. Here’s a video demonstrating it
I made it move along with the root which I’m guessing is part of the issue but I’m not actually sure. Here’s the few lines of code I used to add it to the player
circatt = CreateParta(circp,1,1,"SmoothPlastic",BrickColor.random()) -- function
CreateWeld(circatt,root,circatt,0,3,0,math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0),0,0,0,math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) -- also a function.
attachcirc = Instance.new("Attachment",circatt)
attachcirc.Parent = circatt
circuparticles = game.ServerStorage.Auras.circuitAura.Attachment
for _, child in ipairs(circuparticles:GetChildren()) do
local clone = child:Clone()
clone.Parent = attachcirc
clone.ZOffset = 0
Also I know the issue doesn’t have anything to do with attachments or no attachments, I’ve already attempted to fix it with changing between part and attachment
This problem has nothing to do with your code, the emitting particle is “blinking” because its ZOffSet is below what it can obtain from the ground, that is, if this number is for example -1 and the particle is almost touching the surface below, it will be blinking, to solve the problem increase its ZOffSet and leave the particle a little above the surface and not almost touching it as shown in the video
okay, that fixed that but what about the rotating issue? this is still bothering me. I was looking around and found basically a perfect showcase of what i want the aura to be like
In the video, it does NOT rotate with the player and rotates on its own
Regarding particle rotation, you can have 2 types of problems
The 1nd° problem is that you have welded the main part of the particle to any other part of your body instead of RootPart like “Torso”, if you have welded this block to your Torso when moving your character to some direction it will make an animation and he will walk while your torso is bent
The 2nd° problem is that if you welded this part with: “WeldConstraint” or “Weld” the main “Block” of your particle, it will move according to its original position
You can predict and prevent only 1 this way, because the movement and orientation of the particle are quite uncomfortable, and even today the orientation of it being “bugged” may be unknown
You can place the main “Part” of the particle in your “HumanoidRootPart” using “Motor6D”
You can insert the main attachments inside the character itself instead of leaving them outside, particles like that wouldn’t make sense to stay outside of someone and then weld them together
You can take main elements like “Attachment” and insert them into your own HumanoidRootPart, and just check if there wasn’t another particle and destroy it
This is just one that I think would be more efficient to leave, you wouldn’t have to mess with “Welds”
i think that this isnt solvable because the rotation of the root is constant, keeping the particle in that rotation. I’d think we have to make the part while true do follow the root while being 3 studs under
From the looks of the video. The part where you have the emitter is moving up and down. From the offset you placed on the effect … this is making it dip under the ground, cutting off some of the effect from view. Just move the effect up a bit to avoid that. Just a guess would have to test it to be sure.
Well that get’s complicated. You would need to place your effect in a part that isn’t turning with the player like that. Or adjust the effect rotation to that turn.
That would be the complicated part of this. Maybe try to look at how other auras deal with this. Or only spin the effect when they are not moving. Or no spinning at all. Possibly don’t base the spin off the part it is in. You would have to test to be sure of anything this.