ParticleEmitter spawns at 0,0,0 instead of on the accessory for 2 items

This issue applies to 2 items
Pot of Gold Backpack
Druid’s Enchanted Staff

Reproduction Steps
Play any game wearing any of the items listed above

Expected Behavior
Particle effects on accessories spawns on the accessory. Although, even if you place the particle effects inside the handle this doesn’t simply fix the particle effects as you have to readjust them to fit the accessory
(Fixed particle effect made by me to demonstrate what it would look like if they functioned properly)

Actual Behavior
Since the particle emitter is in the accessory object and not in the handle object it spawns at 0,0,0 instead of the item itself


Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: Item Creation Date
Date Last Experienced: Current Date

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Bump, this issue is still not fixed 2 months later.


Another 2 months and nothing still.
I bought a roblox giftcard back in 2019 for the staff mostly for the particle effects and they don’t even work properly.

Please fix.


Still happening and no news yet

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Bump, still happening, should be an easy fix


roblox all you have to do is put the emitter in the handle :sob: its that easy and its been basically a year


Bump. Where’s the fix for these? It’s so simple…

EDIT: Apparently the pot of gold was fixed, but not the druid staff.



Seems like a easy fix and this has been a problem for a while

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I thought I was losing my mind when ever I join a test game.


Still nothing on the druid staff. Hope it’s fixed soon.

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@WinterStorm_Meow @Alpkurt2 @Sim_Q1 @Lucatacos2213 @Polygonizised @GeoMadness

Actually, this is a non-issue. Let me explain. All particle emitters, including the Fire and Smoke classes will emit their effects at <0, 0, 0> if they are not parented to a BasePart or Attachment because that’s the way the base ParticleEmitter class was originally designed. If you need the emitter to operate from a location other than the center of the part, then you do the following:

  1. Create an Attachment and parent it to the part in question.
  2. Parent the ParticleEmitter to the attachment.

Then you can move the attachment to anywhere and the ParticleEmitter will emit at that location in reference to the part that it’s parented to. In fact, the documentation more or less states this in the first paragraph:

Also, in the OP, the particle emitter is parented to the Accessory. Don’t do that because it will emit at <0, 0, 0>. This is documented. I’m not sure where, but I have read this in the documentation before. Create a new Attachment under Handle and parent the ParticleEmitter to that. That will fix it.

If you need a larger emitter surface, then create a new part of the appropriate size and shape, set the transparency to 1, turn collisions off, and weld it to the handle. Then you can parent the ParticleEmitter to that new part and it will work properly.


This is reporting a bug with a particular Roblox accessory/accessories, which are in-fact doing just that. This is something Roblox needs to fix themselves by reparenting the emitter into the part / an attachment.


Ok. At first your statement didn’t make any sense. Then I realized that Roblox is the asset owner.

Happy to say as of

The staff is finally fixed!


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