ParticleEmitter:Emit() acting weirdly

It isn’t really a complex question… But more often than not I find myself trying to use :Emit() on particle emitters and they just… don’t emit anything. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It works for my melee hit particle effects in the same game but then when I just try to use it on an already existing particle it seems to only play in the server.

I have tried a few things like making the script clone the particle I am trying to emit and then instantly emit it but it’s the same result. I also tried disabling Streaming Enabled because I was told it might help. Nothing changed.

What is with this inconsistency? And am I the only one to get this or is this a common problem among others? If you need to see specific parts of my script then feel free to ask… But it really is just the :Emit() not working…

Do you already have the ParticleEmitter Properties set?
What is the ParticleEmitter in?
What is your typical script that you are calling :Emit() in?
Are you just trying to emit 1 Particle or many Particles?

Yes the particle emitter properties are set in Studio and arent changed when being emitted.
The particle emitter is in a MeshPart resembling a hollow ball.
By typical script do you mean like client and server? They are all run on the server.
The melee effects are many particle emitters but the one that is failing is a single particle emitter. If you mean like emitting a large number of particles then it is around 1000 particles.

This has happened to me many times. My solution is to either add a task.wait() before I emit the particles like this:

for i, v in workspace.Part:GetDescendants() do
	if v:IsA('ParticleEmitter') then

or just fire to the client and emit them there.

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Turns out it was a problem with some math used to determine the number of particles to emit. Although I still encounter issues like this from time to time where it doesn’t work the first time. For now, it works again.


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