Hello developers! 
I’ve been making some VFX (using ParticleEmitters), and I ran into an issue where the entire ParticleEmmiter dissapears (not the particles, but the emmiter itself), the particle emmiter is inside an attachment, which is inside of a part that’s inside of a part (the part is welded to the sword). 
By the way, it dissapears as soon as I join the game.
I’ve been looking at the dev forum for long, but most people talk about particles dissapearing, not the emmiters.
It would be nice if you could help! 
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Where is the sword model located? If you could tell me then i could help fix the problem easier.
It’s in a folder (there are 2 other swords there as well, but they are working normally.)
Is the folder in a character by chance?
Nope, it’s in the workspace. (extra text bc i cant post this)
Then i have no idea what is causing the problem, try looking in your scripts and see if it gets deleted by one.
The only script that mentions the particle is the script inside the sword, that just tries to emit some particles from it.
I actually have no idea, maybe a bug or something.