Particles 2x faster in studio

Apparently ParticleEmitters display incorrectly in studio following a recent update. I’ve checked this out on multiple places, and can confirm that particles are twice as fast in studio than on the client. Here’s 2 gifs to compare:

Client (keep an eye on the fiery things that jump out of the lava):


It’s a lot more clear if you go to one of your own places and look, but this is definitely a problem.

It’s because in studio nothing is hapenning. If you put few ParticleEmmitters in one brick at high Rate, you’ll see that even when you’re clicking, the rate is dropping a little bit. Client works slower as it has more stuff to do.
What I do to overcome this, I set properties a bit higher, to match Client speed.

Match Studio quality to Testing quality

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I am unable to reproduce the issue with my place. Even if I make lots of emitters for it to become GPU-bound, I still see no changes in particle speed. Definitely need a better repro.

Here is a repro PrtclRepro.rbxmx (12.4 KB)
I’m not sure why but it gives diffrent results when you look at it from X+ axis or X- axis. You should look at it from X+ axis to know what I’m talking about.
When you do nothing, a red stream of particles should be visible. Now try clicking rapidly on a baseplace or the sky. You’ll notice it creates groups of particles rather than standard stream.

On client, there won’t be any nice looking stream, it tries to create groups of particles on each X axis, but it’s visible the most on X- axis.

I’m not seeing any difference in particle speed, neither in Studio, nor in-game.

The grouping happens because of frame rate dips, but the particle speed is largely unaffected by it.

Maybe it appears on slower PCs only. For this test I was using and older laptop which isn’t that fast.

I’ll see if I can replicate it on the crappiest PC we have in our test lab.

Update: could not reproduce, even at 5 frames per second, the speed of particles is the same.

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What do you mean by “faster”? Do you mean the particles are moving faster or that they’re spawning at a higher rate?

It seems like they move faster the same way as when you up the particle’s speed. Here’s another example:



If you look at the bottom of the flame, you can see it pretty clearly. I know for a fact that @Partcline has the same issue.

Here are my system specs:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

What you are seeing here is stroboscopic effect, an optical illusion, due to the fact, that the first image has much lower frame rate. It appears that the flame is “faster” because there are more abrupt changes in multiple particle dispositions on the first image.

Notice that on both images particles reach the same height, and the overall shape of the flame is the same.


I made a video which have all clips locked at 30 fps, so it should be a lot more clear what I mean. There are two examples of particles having different speeds in Studio and on the client. The clips without the character are from Studio.

Furthermore, we only recently started encountering this bug (14th of October). Up until now, particle speed in Studio and on the client have been the same.


I am still unconvinced. Here’s what I’d like to see: in the fire scene, set particle life to a single value (not a range), put a semi-transparent anchored part where particles disappear and try filming again, both in client and studio. We should see if particles cross the part or die short of it.

The particles die out at the exact same spot, both in client and studio:

But if you want to make a particle, having it run slower on the client would subtract from the originally planned feel for it. That’s the main issue. It’s an unreliable way to make particles, given the differences in studio and client.

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As you can see, if they die at the same spot, that means the speed is the same, so there’s no bug.

That’s the main issue. It’s an unreliable way to make particles, given the differences in studio and client.

Keep in mind that particles will look different regardless - at different quality levels, and different distance, depending on how well the game runs on the player’s hardware.

My suggestion - model your particles for the ideal case (level 10, 60 fps, which corresponds to level 21 in Studio), and let the system scale the quality/performance for every client individually.

But there is a bug, yes they die at the same spot but the speed is clearly faster in Studio than the client.

It’s not that they[quote=“maxvee, post:14, topic:29893”]
look different

it’s that they are clearly going faster and dying in the same spot in Studio than in the client.


If you watch the last video Patrick posted, change the speed of the video to 0.25, then watch the particles in both client and studio, it makes it really obvious.

Why not make a particle that’s the same speed as the character and walk along side it to see

No, if they were 2x faster, they’d travel 2x further. Here we can see only a small discrepancy of maximum height, which is due to their lifetime being effectively quantized by the framerate.

I don’t know the programming behind it, I don’t know why it is doing what it is, but the speed of the particles are clearly different on studio and client, which apparently everyone but you can see. Be it because of framerate or whatever the reason is, it is still happening and is an annoyance to work with when you want to have particles go at a specific speed and they go slower than intended.

I think you’re confusing play speed and velocity (the Speed property). The velocity is correct, and that’s why they’re travelling the same distance. The play speed is incorrect though.

Think of it this way: I have two bricks that I’m throwing up in the air. I throw both up in the air at 10 m/s, but the second one experiences time twice as fast. They both have the same initial velocity/acceleration, so they will reach the same height, but since the second brick is experiencing 2x time, it will get to the target height in half the time of the first brick.

Ah, I know what that is. Go to Render Settings and turn off EagerBulkExecution.

And forget it ever existed. :slight_smile: