Particles, beams, and trails all disappearing, not disappearing when supposed to, and causing performance issues

This has been disastrous for me as well and I really hope this can get fixed soon. It’s not even just the rendering, sometimes particles will break and just never disappear even though they’re scripted to disable.

    Example of this bug happening.
    Expected behavior.

same this has been happening for like a week so

We really do need a Fix or a Workaround on this as soon as possible, the impact on the games is extremly high if stuff like this doesn’t properly work anymore.


Happening on my end as well. Particles, Beams often appear when they should’ve been gone. It’s really distracting and I’m sure it is also affecting performance as well.

Hope this gets fixed asap. Really affecting my game.

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This has also became a big problem for my game too. All particle effects and beams are sometimes not rendering or don’t stop rendering. It’s been driving me crazy and there is no apparent fix to it.

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I’m investigating this right now.


Hey, is this behaviour of particles emitters normal? :

It’s like when the camera isn’t facing them they stack and release all at once when the camera is back…?
This causes massive lag for the duration of them releasing all at once, don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, by the way I’m manually emitting them in a while loop to balance out the looks on graphic levels if that’s the cause? But why would they freeze once the camera is moved…?

Particle emission logic only starts when the particle is on-camera; unfortunately, this means that manually-emitted particles do not begin their logic until they are looked at, giving you the stacking effect.

You can avoid the stacking by only calling Emit when the emitter is in-frame or clearing particles periodically, but it isn’t ideal; however, it does seem to be intentional engine behavior. It would be nice if particles generated by the Emit method would begin processing their lifetime immediately–alas, they do not.

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That’s hidious. Why would this ever be a feature.


It’s horrible. It cannot be controlled.

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Literally I have the same issue. I have a system in my game that enhances default explosions by adding particles and such at their position. It’s very odd when I turn to face where an explosion was like 30 seconds later only to see the particles just start to emit.

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So THATS why I have the issue I said in another comment (Particles from my enhanced explosion visuals only rendering when I look at them, usually when the explosion is already long gone)! This feature actually sucks, completely kills the mood of the game. It also does it with the gun flashes in my game so u get really trippy moments where an entire volley of gun smoke appears with no soldiers to be seen. Really hope they add a way to turn this off somehow.

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I have been having the same exact issue, not only with particles, or beams, but with all types of lights as well! This needs to be fixed ASAP. Its poorly effecting developers games!


Any updates? I’m getting tons of complaints about terrible performance in my game and it’s really affecting the game in general.


my friends and i are having this issue too. particles in general just dont render when they’re supposed to

Its upsetting how long its taking Roblox to notice this huge issue. Hoping they fix it soon, effecting all of my games.


Just FYI this was reported on Friday afternoon and responded to on Monday afternoon. Not sure how this is “long”? (< 1 business day)

Did you read up? Staff responded on Dec 13.

Would recommend being reasonable to keep a healthy dialogue with the people working on these bugs.


I actually think they responded in a reasonable amount of time to this. This is coming from someone who is frequently upset with the smallest studio issues/changes that might hinder my workflow.

I agree this is super annoying and needs to be fixed ASAP. Not only is it causing obvious annoying visual glitches (weapon muzzle flash and shell ejection are delayed to 1-2 seconds after you fire, bullet tracers don’t always appear, etc.) but it also causes severe gameplay issues in my game; for example there’s an item that lets you call in a plane to drop lingering flames over an area, but due to this particle bug sometimes the flames are invisible which leads to unfair deaths. There’s also a zombie type that can ensnare a survivor with it’s tongue, and since you’re meant to be able to see the tongue to find out where the zombie is hiding, it can lead to a seriously unfair situation where you get grabbed by seemingly nothing and can’t find the zombie to shoot it before you get knocked down.

I’ve noticed a severe dip in player numbers that eerily lines up with the appearance of this particle/beam/trail rendering bug. Please address this Roblox!

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Its the fact they are not addressing the issue. Its poorly affecting thousands of experiences.