Particles Disappearing

In my game I’m trying to make a snow effect but the snow particles disappear after 5 - 7 seconds and I don’t know why.

This is my script:

local self = script.Parent -- Particle Emitter
-- Services --
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
-- Event Functions --

Is the emitter’s “Enabled” property being set to false? Is the emitter being destroyed? Check the console for any errors. You may also be creating too many particles (100 per frame is around 6,000 per second).

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This is probably because you have reached a particle limit, as stated by @Forummer. What i suggest is having a smaller part that is positioned above the character and particles emitted at a much smaller rate.

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Worth noting that there’s a maximum draw limit of 16000 particles for PC and 3600 for Xbox and mobile.