Particles 'dont have a trail'

alright, im honestly not sure as to how to word this or explain this, but heres what i mean

using :Emit() on particles causes them to ‘shoot out’, which looks odd
using Enabled for some time gives them a ‘trail’, which is what im trying to achieve
personally, im very bad with particles so i rarely mess with them, but is there a way to achieve this with :Emit()? as they look very odd, i wanna avoid scripting stuff but if theres no other way then ill do so

Hey! You can achieve this by just using a for loop and emitting particles.

Though, I would just recommend using .Enabled as it’s much performant and easy to use.

May I ask, why do you find .Enabled to be odd?

thanks, will try

i dont wanna use .enabled as it could mess with the way i have my script set up (using task.wait() and such), this is basically for a ‘explosion effect’, and again im also really bad at particles so i dont understand them

Are you referring to the cone shape they make?

In that case you can try using a minimum and maximum for the speed of your particles. Do know that particles use a NumberRange for their speed so you can set it’s maximum to be your current value and it’s minimum to be zero. This way, when it emits it would be spread all around almost evenly.

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yes pretty much, emit doesnt do that

worked EXACTLY like i meant for it to do so, thank you so much!

No worries!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or anyone on the forum.

Happy developing!

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