I want the particles to stop showing up infront of other particles when they’re clearly behind those particles and having seizure inducing flickering when theres multiple of them ontop eachother. There’s 5 particle emitters and none of them have ZOffset.
I haven’t found a single solution and I have looked through multiple devfrorum posts related to particles.
It’s because of the Particle’s Transparency.
Just like anything that is semi-transparent in Roblox, the engine has trouble dealing with those items behind/in front of other semi-transparent items.
I’ve seen a lot of posts about ParticleEmitters and other items with rendering and flickering issues because they are semi-transparent.
I’m surprised they still haven’t fixed it yet.
2024 and transparency in Roblox still causes all sorts of weird issues.
Behind glass it doesn’t even render which is also a weird “bug” I guess I’ve been waiting ages for to get fixed.
I feel like roblox has “adressed” this bug already and has just been ignoring it for years.
I really hope they actually have this rendering bug in one of their top priorities cause anything related to transparency has been causing issues for VFX creators and builders alike for a very, very long time.