Particles in studio rely on fps

Description of bug: ParticleEmitters on the studio client only have started to ignore deltaTime/fps and just always step the same amount every frame, causing them to go faster on more frames and slower on lower frames
Where it happens: Studio client (Windows)
When it started happening: About 1-2 months ago


Reproduction File: particles.rbxl (54.9 KB)


Can you please clarify what you mean by “Studio Client”. If I understand correctly, this is in the Studio editing window. It works correctly for me in the Client started from Studio. It is only slower in the Studio window itself (when not running a simulation, but just editing).

By “Studio Client” I mean just regular Roblox Studio on Windows 11, and the issue still occurs for me when I play in studio as seen below

I see. However, we cannot vouch for what happens with 3rd party unlocker tools. When I verify this with internally at different frame rates, it all works correctly. Are you actually seeing this problem in practice, when the frame rate falls below 60 due to objective performance problems, without any custom locking?

The issue doesn’t seem to be occurring when fps is within the 60 fps limit anymore, however when using the new “FFlagGameBasicSettingsFramerateCap” fflag, the issue still occurs, which will be a big issue when this feature fully releases as particles in studio will be inconsistent with results in the player

I wasn’t able to reproduce this bug. The flag in question was recently updated to “FFlagGameBasicSettingsFramerateCap2”, so it’s possible there originally an issue with the flag that got fixed.
Please let me know if you’re still experiencing the issue after using the updated flag

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Hi Coastal, I have actually found the cause of this recently and am no longer having this issue. It ended up not being a bug but rather just a hidden setting that somehow was turned on being EagerBulkExecution

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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