Hey developers! I am having an issue with my games when it comes to editing Particles with other users. My other team creators see more particles then I can, and for roblox users, they see more (or less) amout.
We assume that this is because of everyones different Editor Quality Levels. My question, is how can we ensure that the particles the user sees on roblox is the same that we see on studio (or what level of Editor Quality level is Max graphics like on roblox)
Any help is much appreciated! (P.S I put this in scripting support because I am using these particles in my scripts and Is important to know from a scripting standpoint for me. Althouh if you recommend a different place lmk!)
Change Editor Quality Level to 21.
But theres no way you would know how many particles a client can see compared to what you see, cause each client could change their own settings to the max quality or lowest.
Hey. Thanks so much for replying. If I can’t control the amount of particles each client views. How can I make 1 particle have the same life time on each client. The main issue for us is timing is off, as we have a circle particle and we want it to always be on and show (Ex: Particle is spinning forever, but one of these particles only is showing). We thought that having the rate = to 1, and life time = to 1 would give this effect endless loop. Although different clients life times ended at different times causing a void of no particles for a short amout of time (or 2 paticles overlaping), before a new one was given.
I dont think you can have such control over particles. It really depends on the client’s settings of their devices. If watching that particle is essential and a main mechanics of your game, I would suggest to change the approach and not rely on particles.
But, I could be wrong… Wait for more answers
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Thanks for you help. I mean We can live without it, but it’s an important particle for pets and a egg hatching animation, but would love to have this fix as it’s an amazing feature.
But again. Thanks for trying to help us!
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I’d love that particles would be more reliable on that aspect, but yeah, makes sense about the engine being able to downgrade this kind of render stuff.
I have friends that always plays roblox on its minimum quality… literally always… so yeah… its sad making great effort to make things look better with future lighting, particles, textures, materials… when at the end, not many users will be able to experience it as it supposed to be… u ,u
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