Hello! So… i’m trying to create some fog particles coming out of alleys and fading onto the street to create an errie feel in this scene i’m making. But… the particles keep clipping in and out of eachtoher, this has happened before, and i don’t know why it’s doing it on this level. I’ve tried all sorts of combinations with the z indexes… but it’s still doing it.
Yea it looks like the parts that are being the main for the particles are unloading so the particles unload.
like what Terry said make sure your graphics are up.
Looks like a graphics issue rather than a Z-plane issue, considering the particles are fine until you start moving around. If your EditQualityLevel is 21 and you’re still seeing this problem, then it’s the particles themselves that you need to change.
This isn’t exactly a known statistic but there is a render limit of 16,000 particles for computers and 3,600 for mobile and Xbox. Depending on the properties of your emitters, you could be hitting that.