Particles only visible server side

so i have this ability that basicly makes an explosion behind the player, but the particles do not emit, i can only see them once i go to the server side

--In a Server script that is in ServerScriptService
local ParticlePart = workspace.Storage.FlamboyantKick:Clone()
    ParticlePart.Parent = workspace["Summoned Parts"]

    ParticlePart.Position = hrp.Position
    ParticlePart.Rotation = hrp.Rotation
    for i,v in ParticlePart.InitalBlast:GetChildren() do
        if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
    end ```
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Instead fire the VFX to all Clients, then emit it from there, it’s also better to handle visuals on client rather than server, because sometimes the server will delay your effect and will make it look worse.

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ty dude but do you know if its better to have alot of events, (for example one per ability), or have like one event and test for a certain parameter? or if something differant is better.?

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Pass the Particle Name as a parameter, this will let u use one remote only

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