What are you attempting to achieve?
I want my particles rotation to go towards a part
Here is a picture of what i want
(The arrows are particles orientation) -
What is the issue?
I don’t know how to do it. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I looked on forums and i didn’t find anything.
Like the particles at the beggining of this small video
I don’t think those are particles. And you can just make a normal particle that goes forward with a set lifetime, then use wait() in a script and THEN make them go back out or whatever you want.
Here is one I made. I will explain how I made it underneath.
Step 1: Make a sphere, change the material to neon, and make it any color and size you want. (I did 4, 4, 4 for my size.)
Step 2: Make a square that is a lot bigger than the sphere, but at the same position. (I did 40, 40, 40 for my size.)
Step 3: Add a particle emitter to the square, and change the following properties:
Color: Set it to the same color as your sphere.
LightEmission: Set to 1.
LightInfluence: Set to 0.
Brightness: Set to 10. (WARNING! This property will not be available until you set LightInfluence to 0, so make sure to do that first.)
Orientation: Set to VelocityParallel.
Size: You can set this to whatever you want.
Texture: This can be whatever you want, but preferably a picture of a horizontal beam. (IT HAS TO BE HORIZONTAL, OR IT WILL NOT LOOK RIGHT!) (Here is the ID for the texture I used. rbxassetid://7843470203)
Shape: Set this to Sphere.
ShapeInOut: Set to Inward.
ShapeStyle: Set to Surface.
Speed: Set to whatever you want. (I set mine to 5.)
Rate: Set to whatever you want. (I set mine to 20.)
Lifetime: This will be different depending on what you set the speed to, so you might have to play around with this to figure out what it should be. If it’s too long, the particles will pass through the middle and keep going out, but if it’s too short, the particles will disappear before getting to the middle. (I set mine to 5.)
Yay! Now you’re done! (This ended up longer than I expected.)
Thank you for your answer and it worked !
it didnt work for me mines is correctly done but it didnt work