Particles persist forever if you aren't looking at them

Bumping this up cause this still has not been fixed. You’d think that Roblox, the one krillion dollar company would fix this simple issue after all these years right?


This utterly ruins performance in any games that use :Emit() for particles. Seriously, Roblox, fix this!
And even if one staff member noticed one of the other posts about this bug, its gone past the “next quarter” they were going to investigate this in!

Any, and I mean any amount of information about the status of this bug would be greatly appreciated.


Yeah I’m not really sure why we’ve had so little transparency on this.

Does roblox not realize this problem can literally bring the game to it’s knees? Like, this is an issue that I have straight up seen reports of game-crashing from. Developers must be excessively careful when using particles as, with larger games, the particle persistence can genuinely destroy a game’s performance.

Roblox, we need an official response. And not just some random moderator going “uhm technically this isn’t a bug, so instead make a feature request asking the developers to make particles function”. Because honestly if I make a feature request asking that I’m probably just going to get THAT posted deleted too - It really doesn’t fit anywhere. We aren’t requesting a feature. We are requesting for a broken system to be fixed!

Roblox, we need transparency on this one, please. We need to know why this was ever an issue, and what’s taking so long to solve this bug that feels like it should be extremely high priority.


Bump. I’m surprised this thread hasn’t received any activity from Roblox.


Isn’t this a HUGE issue? Yielding particle rendering and executing all of them together the moment a player’s camera looks at the emitter isn’t optimal at all.

I emit a lot of particles for a fighting system and it’s quite baffling that I would have to manually check the camera’s look direction as well as distance to make this engine issue less prominent (by avoiding Emit() at all)


This issue makes Emit a footgun. It’s rendered completely and utterly useless. I will not use this API. Roblox can do better.


Their developers do better sometimes…


As far as roblox is concerned, this is not even an issue or a bug. But I refuse to let them use that as an excuse, hence why we’re in this topic!


Bumping this again due to it heavily effecting my game that uses the particle system to create different weather, there should be no reason that particles keep playing when the player is looking away especially if the camera is locked in first person.


Amen! Dev relations tend to be very good at replying to things but on certain threads, it’s hard to say whether they are purposefully ignoring it, or just haven’t seen it.

The moderators sure saw it when they played “Board ping-pong” with whether or not this was a feature request or a valid issue report.

Is there just like an @ Dev Relations we can ping? They’re all over the place but never where they need to be.


This is definitely not good if this is intentional as particles shouldn’t be stored when culled out. They should be culled out but still moving so that they can be culled back in by your camera looking towards them or them moving into your camera view. It is possible that you could stack up particles like this and cause major lag if I am correct on what happens. I am no expert on this, so if I am wrong, don’t be afraid to correct me!


Roblox still refuses to acknowledge this issue, with multiple moderators taking down previous posts regarding this issue as “intentional” but not a single person recognizing that perhaps this, whether intentional at the time or not, is clearly an extreme issue that can cause performance problems and Crashing.

I wonder if, because of it not being a “”““real””“” bug, if the internal systems Roblox’ tracks bugs with literally has no place for it? Is this like a ghost issue?


You’re right, but the issue goes much deeper - It isn’t just that they aren’t moving, they aren’t despawning. If you have a particle that lasts 1 second and spawns once per second, and look away for 100 seconds, you will essentially have 100 particles spawning in when you look in that direction.

It makes literally no sense. It is the most incompetent “intentional” behavior to ever be programmed.


I actually didn’t know they still did move (according to what you said) as it doesn’t feel like they are. I assume they completely halt the despawning of the particles, which is definitely the opposite it should do.

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I said it isn’t just that they aren’t moving - You are correct, they aren’t moving when looking away either, but realistically I don’t think it’d be as much of a problem if that was the only thing they were doing, it’s more the mass build up and eventual performance problems from them never de-spawning that’s the real game breaker


This problem. Is so. Annoying.

Roblox, please. Fix this!!!


Please tell me this isn’t still an issue? It’s hard to believe roblox pretends to cater to low-end devices when they can’t even stop particles from wildly over-rendering.


Everytime I see this topic, I pray that the 1-5 new messages include one from an engineer, but no. For some reason this simple fix is ignored. If it’s not simple, why don’t they say? Shouldn’t we be more understanding if it’s actually a huge task behind the scenes?

You may be able to fix this yourself by setting the particle’s rate to zero when the origin of the emitter isn’t onscreen. It would be hacky, but it could be made nicely if you fit it in with your game’s systems.

(edit): My wish came true!


So not rendering particles if the player isn’t looking at them is a ground-breaking, world-destructing action that would doom humanity to die and Roblox’s already failing servers to fail even more. :exploding_head:


Yikes - so sorry we’re late to the party. I understand how frustrating it must be to encounter such a problem and not receive a timely response.

We’ve successfully reproduced the problem of emitting invisible particles indefinitely and are actively working on a solution.

I can’t pinpoint the exact reason this hasn’t been addressed earlier. It’s possible that, at some point, it was mistakenly classified under requests for a more robust “offline” particles simulation. While that is an interesting feature to consider for the future, it should not have overshadowed this immediate concern.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention and ensuring it didn’t get lost in the shuffle.


I have one question for the community.

Why do you use :Emit() instead of the .Rate property?

Could you provide a few examples where you would prefer to use Emit.
