rParticle: The light weight, open source, GUI particle system

Hmm, this is quite interesting, thank you for script! You get a like from me! I’ll use it in my game later

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Hey there! Thank you so much for making this module! It is probably one of the most useful I have seen. I do have one question. Is there any way to destroy the ParticleEmmitter? I have tried making the maxAge a negative number, but that just makes it flash.

Edit: I have found a destroy function inside the module, but it does not seem to work.


Sorry for bumping this topic, at least it wasn’t a year old.

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How would you go about making this work with a billboard ui to use as a damage indicator? I’m having issues with getting it to work.

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Sorry for the late response!

The destroy function just destroys a Particle not the emitter. MaxAge also applies to the Particles and not the emitter.

I’ll look into adding this in to a future update.

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Hi, sorry for the delayed response. Right now the ParticleEmitter code uses RenderStepped which is only able to be accessed from the client. Assuming your billboard is on the server side, the code, as it stands will fail.

I can simply resolve this by using something like Stepped instead. I’ll look into this and resolve this in a future update (possibly out tonight if I have time).

Particles with Billboard UI


Just a minor update. I’ve made some changes to the code and I’ve fixed a bad bug that I discovered.

Version 1.2

Adds the ability to destroy particle emitters

Changes the update loop to RunService#HeartBeat() so that the script may be used on the server side too.


Just bookmarked the post. This will be very handy for UI Designing.

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Thank you. I’m glad you liked my work!

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How will I make a particle that does this when I click on a button?

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Looks like the spray animation is just a bunch of circles flying off into random directions and then dissipating.

You just need to create a circle image. Use an image UI element to represent the particle. Then when the particle is created set the direction and speed to something random within a short range. Then reduce the opacity of the particle as it reaches the end of its life cycle.


Thank you for this. I used this for my Daily Login Reward confetti effect to make it more exciting! Saved me some time… :smiley:

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How would i make it appear at the players mouse position and how would i make it get destroyed after a moment?

will there be flipbooks lol

Im not sure what you are asking? Can you elaborate?

Where do I get rbxm file for the current latest release?
On Github there’s no rbxm file for 1.2.1 but older versions has it

I forgot to add it! Thanks!
It should be available now.

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Great resource!

Everything has been great with the module, but I’m sad to see there is no :Emit like function.

The closest thing to the ParticleEmitter:Emit() is doing:

    ParticleEmitter.rate = 1;
	ParticleEmitter.rate = 0;

which occasionally doesn’t even work.

it would be a lot more optimized if we got a function like:

ParticleEmitter:Emit(5) -- fire 5 particles
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Ah, so the reason that doesn’t always work is due to how the particle emitter is designed. That being said. If a :Emit function were added it would be trivial to work it into the existing project such that your edge case becomes possible.

I will try my best to add that tonight!

Pretty sure that’s just a sprite sheet.

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It’s possible. That may be the case :man_shrugging:
Seems that the person was asking how to recreate that effect with rParticle though.
If you want to, you could use some kind of sprite sheet in combination with rParticle to do something like this.