Parts does not shows in explorer

hello there! my problem is parts doesnot shows up in explorer if game starts with CharacterAutoLoads = false, how can i fix it?


ingame with CharacterAutoLoads = false:



I’m not quite sure if this will work but it’s free to try, try turning ON archivable in all parts and set CharacterAutoLoads to true

every part is archivble
no, i cant enable charcterautoloads because few scripts gonna broke

What are you trying to achieved on the script? can i see the code?

script is loading menu script that preload every part in workspace
other script is pre-character-spawning initializing

While Player is on Loading Screen, You don’t want the players character to load until the loading is finished?

yep, thats true, player character loads after player pressed play button

it looks like your models are loading just fine. What if you group the parts into models?

models are empty, no parts in them

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Thats interesting. What if you made CharacterAutoLoads=true to get the parts, then make it false, and then kill the player?

I’m not quite sure what you are trying to achieve so this might not be ideal for whatever you are doing.

This makes me think you might have StreamingEnabled on and the parts in the models aren’t being streamed

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