PC Info: Windows 11 22621.2361
Date First Experienced: 09/10/23
Date Last Experienced 12/10/23
Reproduction Steps:
Open Roblox Studio and create 2 models and put a part in each (and anchor them)
Set one model to Persistent replication
Disable CharacterAutoLoads in the Players service
Expected Behavior: Both parts should be visible on the client without loading the character.
Actual Behavior: Only the part in the Persistent model replicates until the character is loaded.
The parts are not being replicated to the character because until there is a replication focus when streaming is enabled the server will not stream non-persistent parts to the client.
The alternative would be that we send all parts in the world to the client before the character loads, which would defeat the purpose of streaming entirely.
If you need the parts to be there before the character loads another option would be to set a replication focus and then parts near that focus will be streamed.