Parts don't show up in the workspace and breaks pathfinding service

PC Info: Windows 11 Pro, 22H2
Date First Experienced: 9/29/23
Date Last Experienced: 9/29/23

Reproduction Steps:

1.Open up Roblox Studio and create two parts of any shape making sure the parts are anchored and your fallen parts destroy height is -500
2.Set their CFrame to any X value, a value very similar to negative 999,000 on the Y axis, and any Z value
3. Press Play and open up the workspace, you will notice that the parts don’t show up but they do exist in the workspace if you detect them with a script and the pathfinding service is completely broken

Here is a video showing the issue:

Expected Behavior: Parts show up in the workspace and have no effect on the pathfinding service
Actual Behavior: Parts do not show up in the workspace and completely break the pathfinding service


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!


If your place is streaming enabled (which it will be by default) then far away parts may not be streamed to clients. You have a few options if this is the case:

  1. Put your pathfinding parts in persistent models
  2. Use pathfinding on the server
  3. Don’t use streaming enabled

For more details see: Character Pathfinding | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


It did not have streaming enabled at the time of making the video. Pathfinding is on the server. And I have tested putting the pathfinding parts inside of persistent models and all 3 of these steps do not fix the bug. The parts with the specific position and are anchored break the entire pathfinding service


Are you able to share your repro place?


I will re-test this issue soon if you believe it has been fixed. Will be replying back with a repro place if the steps don’t work. Thank you for your patience!


Repro Place.rbxl (77.5 KB)

Bug is still occurring. There is a READ ME file with instructions inside this place. Look forward to seeing this get fixed asap.


@deIuxor : this issues should be fixed now. Please let us know if you still face the issue.

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Updated Repro Place(Watch the video for information).rbxl (80.7 KB)

Replication bug is fixed. Only other behavior I caught is that the pathfinding breaks when the waypoints themselves are below the map but the bug I originally demonstrated is fixed and the updated file shows it. Thank you guys you did a great job!

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