Parts fall through floor when not collidable

I’m making my own door system that flings the door and plays an animation to the player busting the door down. An issue i’ve come across, is that the door falls through the floor when i make it non collidable. I have to make it not collidable when the door busting happens to avoid the character glitching with the door, etc. Does anyone know how i would do this without making the door fall through the floor?


There isn’t any good way to get around this besides anchoring a part if it reaches a certain Y axis value, which in itself wouldn’t look any good.

You’re just going to have to live with players being able to glitch with the door, however, I doubt it will actually impact whatever your gameplay revolves around too much, just delete the door a few seconds after it has been created using “game:GetService(“Debris”)”.

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Can’t you use physics service to make the player incapable of colliding with the door?

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Might take longer but you can use Collision Groups to separate players, the map etc.