Parts having poor collisions

Hello, I am making trolleybus game and I have problem with one thing.

  • What are you attempting to achieve? Simple thing. I need to make gray part stay on cable. (Look on image)
    2023-12-25 234221

  • What is the issue? The collisions are very poor. Gray thing keeps falling off cable.

  • What solutions have you tried so far? I tried to make density higher, but as shown on picture, still looks preety bad. None of threads seems to help me.

Thank you for any advice :slightly_smiling_face:

There are many things you could do, I.E.:

  1. You could add an invisible rope that keeps it from getting too far from the gray part or then
  2. you could add an invisible part to stop it from getting out.
    These are the first two that come to my mind.