Hello! i am making a sort of bossfight / survival section in my game and one of the attacks are not working [kinda]
- Here is the section in the script where it fires the attack :
local function TearDropAttack()
local TearDropModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.BossFightAttacks.TearDropAttack:Clone()
CanAttack = false
TearDropModel.Parent = workspace
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(TearDropModel.PrimaryPartBase, TweenInfo.new(4), {Position = workspace.TearDropFallenCFrame.Position}):Play()
CanAttack = true
- Here is the Teardrop model :
[There are a bunch of weld constraints in the PrimaryPartBase part which is anchored and is welded to all the parts in the TearDrops Folder which are unanchored]
- pictures ingame :
[the alert parts]
[the primary part]
[the tear drops which are above the bossfight]
- Issues im having with it :
The Tear Drops are not falling. Only the primary part is.