Parts inside a part won't change cframe when the part changes cframe

Hello. so im trying to change a parts cframe and when i change it the parts inside the part won’t follow with the part.

any idea how to fix this?

here is my code:

	local ConnectPart = pickedRoom.ConnectPart
	ConnectPart.CFrame = lastRoom.ConnectPart.Door.Primary.Door.CFrame
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You should use connectpart:SetPrimaryPartCFrame and also make sure its welded

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 SetPrimaryPartCFrame is not a valid member Part"ReplicatedStorage.Rooms.RoomType1.ConnectPart"

Wait is connectpart a model or part of a model and if its a model what is the primarypart

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its a part

i tried with a model but it wouldn’t work, i couldn’t put a primarypart

wait couldn’t i just put the connectpart inside a model and then find the primary?

If pickedroom is a model with a primarypart you could use pickedroom:setprimarypartcframe(

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i got it working thank you so much figured it out

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