-I made a gondola ski lift game that has multiple cabins continuously moving. They are hanging onto cables, and the cables are actually conveyor belts that push them around. The gondolas are optimized so they dont slide on the conveyor belts just like that, as the belts have maximum friction, and so do the cable car “arms”
-The problem is that, when i launched the game on roblox and played it, the gondolas move slower than they should, but not only that, when you sit inside one of the seats inside a gondola, just that one stops lagging, and speeds up to normal speeds. The issue is that it catches up to the other gondolas in front of it, and that should not happen.
-So far, i tried to mess with the grip of the conveyor belts, i tried to fidget with the streaming, changing its modes, disabling it as well. It barely did a difference. I also considered getting a non-roblox type of seat, but i think that the issue here is actually the fact that the player is welded directly to the gondola when seated.
Is there a way to make roblox to either prioritize the movement of ALL the gondolas, like you were seating in them, OR, stop roblox from doing that with ANY of them, including the one you sit in. As long as they are all moving at the same speed and dont catch up to eachother, ill consider it a solution.
*Note: i have no experience in scripting whatsoever, and besides, the point of this game is to use roblox’s physics engine to the fullest. The only scripts are the ones for the conveyor belts, and the regen button at the bottom station that resets the entire cableway (in case that one of the cabins clip or gets stuck, the button resets them all).
Here is the game if you want to test it yourself: SunnBerg Mountain Funitel Cable car - Roblox
Here you can see what is going on more clearly:
All help is appreciated. Even if this post is a few years old, feel free to comment your idea as well