Parts not showing up in Animation Editor?

I have this rig, that I was animating before, but now, for some reason, it isn’t showing any of the parts, so I can’t animate them. I’ve tried clicking the plus and pressing “Add all” and nothing happens. There’s no errors in the output.

Nothing is anchored besides the HumanoidRootPart

The Rig-


Are they named correctly? I’m pretty sure that matters.

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Do all parts have a Motor6D that is properly set up?

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Fixed it myself, I found that the Motor6D linking the HumanoidRootPart to the torso Worked from Torso > HumanoidRootPart instead of HumanoidRootPart > Torso, which, in the new Animation Editor, means it cannot find the Motor6Ds in their proper hierarchy


sorry for bumping. but there might be another reason, im not sure about this. so tell me if im wrong. But i think it might be where the animations are saved. when i got an animation from toolbox, it mentioned this and when you migrate the saved animation, the body/rig appears.

look at this image.