Parts Not Showing

Hey guys,

I logged onto Roblox to continue developing, however, not all parts are showing up. What can I do to fix this, as if there are no solutions, I will have to restart building all the exterior and interior. Bellow is a photo of the issue.

Are these parts unions? If so this is an issue with roblox where the union gets corrupted, if they’re not meshes and they are parts; I would recommend trying to revert your game. You can find this under,

Configure this Place > Version History

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Literally was about to say the same thing as @eevast. That’s happened to me before it’s really annoying. Although I have tried his solution. What I did was just uninstall and reinstall studio I think. It happened to me a while ago but yeah. Good luck fixing this!


Yep, their Unions.

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