Parts of model get distorted while resizing

Ok. I have fixed the “model can be only resized once” by turning on collisions. But I was working on a Datsun 720, finished it, and resized it. But I noticed that the gauges and a blinker sign has been distorted! How can I fix this?




Can you change the specific mesh of the gauge?

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It’s the only mesh that I have that’s a Datsun gauge.

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No, what I mean is the mesh in separate parts. Like with my builds on vehicles I normally split off moving parts. If this is the case you can just make the single mesh they will be the guage smaller using a plugin or the normal size tool.

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The gauge is one mesh.
‘; c

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Can you just resize it doing it by plugin or within the settings. As the minimum size is at 0.05 you could be hitting the given limit. If you switch to specialmeshes and then modify the scale instead.

Plugins don’t work too. Also there are actual parts like the fuel tank so special meshes will take too long.

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Mmm, only way I can see to make it smaller is by SpecialMesh and you can single out the gauge. I been looking around if this has been spoken or a similar event has happened.

This link may help as it’s to do with scaling mesh parts:

I’ve fixed it by just removing them, as they aren’t actually functional.