What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
I want to achieve a perfectly lined out locations.
What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
Some of the parts look fine on server side, or when I’m building in studio. However on client side, they get a slight offset that is not visible on server.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I tried searching on the roblox Dev Forum, and discovered 2 similar posts. But I didn’t find any solutions there
The modes’ or parts’ positions don’t change according to properties, only orientation slightly changes (changing it back doesn’t help.).
I could just have the parts slightly offset on studio, to make them look fine on client. But there are a lot of parts that are being affected, and making every one of them with offset isn’t an option
The thing also wasn’t affecting me before either, it started happening 1-3 days ago, and I have no idea why. I included some screenshots with labels for better understanding of what I mean
I have just tried changing the lighting technology (From Future to Shadow), didn’t work. Also tried lowering down graphics setting while playing. Din’t help too. It looks identical in both variants
are you able as a repro file to include that specific wall inside a baseplate and slide me the rbxl or rbxm, also come to think of that, have you tried that scenario i just described?
ForDevForum.rbxl (80.4 KB)
Here you go. I might not be able to reply any further, as I’m heading to sleep right now. And yes, I tried publishing the game, the offset was happening there too
got you, this is indeed the weirdest issue I’ve encountered yet lol, but I do think your issue stems from going “too minimal” on sizing parts like trying to fit them in EXACTLY in the right spot
eg.sizing down the glow just a tiny bit fixes the glow as you mentioned
the size difference you used between the 2 unions is just enough for roblox to confuse itself and start behaving like particle ZIndex cause come on, there’s practically no gap here
as for glass thingy, it’s fixed by just changing the Z values by 0.01 and such… this is just how roblox behaves, so you can’t be EXACTLY on point when overlaps are the discussion, it would be a different story if your glass was outlined for each one of the rectangles to fit in that exact spot, but since you’re relying on brutal overlap ‘hope it goes’ you can expect flickering bugs or bugs such as these because it can’t decide what’s being on top since it’s toooooo similar like in the regular roblox overlap logic shown below
it is a bit mind blowing to me that it hasn’t affected you before but your gaps are simply far too small for a model that has no cutouts specified for what’s going to fit on it eg. in this case you could do what you’re doing with your map:
but in your case this was just risky and a bad practice to do, I admit I can’t explain how it wasn’t happening before but I guess there could be an internal change that caused it? eitherway you still shouldn’t do this in general builds, you can go minimal without going to 0… hope i helped
EDIT I have found the actual solution to my problem. The wall was in a model, and I noticed that the model had a slight shift in orientation: it wasn’t 0, 0, 0, it was 0.012, 0.012, 0. Once I changed the thing to 0, 0, 0, the problem went away. So that’s the actual solution
Thank you so much for your help! While it’s unfortunate that the issue can’t be fully resolved and that I have to leave small gaps and inaccuracies to avoid such glitches, I really appreciate your help. I’ve always aimed for perfectly lined up, precise builds (I am a perfectionist), so it’s a bit frustrating. I hope roblox will be able to make renderring more precise one day.