Parts randomly disappearing at certain angles/positions

Parts will disappear from certain angles/positions, and only seems to happen in live servers and not in studio (at least in my testing), checked the transparency property of an effected part and it seems it doesn’t set it so I’m not sure whats going on.

Tried looking up posts on the issue but none of them were the same as mine (all of them being either mesh issues or transparency issues from what i saw).

Should also note, this tends to happen on maps with less parts for whatever reason. Not sure if it’s a roblox glitch, or its something im doing so i didn’t know whether to make this a bug report or not.


Here is a question:

  • Do you have any loader/unloader in your game?

I also think this could be a malicious script in your game. I recommend looking through all the scripts in your game and deleting any malicious one you find.

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I don’t know if it’s identical to your issue, but it looks the same as this:

I found issues exactly like what you’re mentioning.
Do you have any Parts with a SpecialMesh CylinderMesh in them in that area? In my place I use a large CanCollide Part as a railing to keep players from walking off the edge. It has a CylinderMesh in it to give it the look of a long pipe railing with the Offset of the CylinderMesh to make it look like the pipe is the top edge of the Part. Looking through the transparent sections of the Part makes random Parts, Unions, and MeshParts disappear.

In the end of that post one of the Roblox staff mentioned that they can reproduce the issue and are looking into it.

Try reloading the script, and checking through if there’s any problems in the script.

Alot of the trees on the map use SpecialMeshes so thats probably the issue, but in the area that was disappearing there were no meshes, just parts.

Yeah, the missing Parts, Unions, and MeshParts were all- mentioned in the post I linked.