Parts Randomly Flashing In And Out Of Existence

Reproduction Steps

This happens in my game “Redshift Arena” most frequently on various maps, but mostly Morbias (in the video) and 2Fort. Not sure what causes this, but it happens in other games on Roblox. The location of the map is right near the origin point, so I don’t expect it to flash rapidly like this, and no geometry is made of Unions. Another developer of the game, @FlakBlast, has experienced this issue too - and his is much worse - where the entire map rapidly flashes in and out of existence.

My system info:
AMD Radeon 5600XT
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
16GB DDR4 @3200Mhz
Driver version: 22.2.3

Expected Behavior

I expect the geometry to not flash in and out.

Actual Behavior

Geometry flashes in and out of existence, sometimes causing the entire map to “flicker.”

Here’s a video of this in action (pay attention to the floor):

This is a very minor case of it.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Often
Date First Experienced: 2022-05-23 00:05:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-06-30 00:06:00 (-04:00)


Are you streaming enabled?

Regardless, doesn’t look like you unloaded/reloaded the area even if streaming…

Potentially a VRAM issue due to a memory leak causing it to try and deallocate that part for space, before immediately re-loading it due to close proximity.


StreamingEnabled is disabled.
If it’s a VRam issue, could it be my game itself?

I experience this in a lot of other Roblox games.

Sounds like you are running out of memory. Try it on other devices to get a better idea

I can reproduce this in my experiences as well. Most of the time it happens when there is a lot of physical assemblies or there is a glitched physical assembly.

The situation has improved a lot after enabling StreamingEnabled though.


Thanks for the report. Do you still encounter this issue ?

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It’s very infrequent, but it appears to happen when dealing with CFrame calculations. They cause unanchored objects to flash in and out 60 times a second - or however fast your FPS currently is. This is really prevalent in Studio.

We’ll investigate and come back with updates.