Parts spawning within rotated objects issue

I’m trying to spawn objects within a section of part

local digSpawn = workspace.Spawn

for i = 1, 100 do
	local RandomX = (digSpawn.Position.X - (digSpawn.Size.X / 2)) + math.random(0, digSpawn.Size.X)
	local RandomZ = (digSpawn.Position.Z - (digSpawn.Size.Z / 2)) + math.random(0, digSpawn.Size.Z)
	local RandomSpawn =, digSpawn.CFrame.Y, RandomZ).Position

	local NewPart = workspace.Part:Clone()
	NewPart.Position = RandomSpawn

	NewPart.Parent = workspace

and it works fine on regular parts

However if I rotate the same part, parts will have issues spawning

Hi i’m not sure if is this you want but you can try this

local digSpawn = workspace.Spawn

for i = 1, 100 do
	local RandomX = math.random(-digSpawn.Size.X/2,digSpawn.Size.X/2)
	local RandomZ = math.random(-digSpawn.Size.Z/2,digSpawn.Size.Z/2)
	local RandomSpawn = digSpawn.CFrame *,0,RandomZ)

	local NewPart = workspace.Part:Clone()
	NewPart.CFrame = RandomSpawn

	NewPart.Parent = workspace

here my result

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local rng =
function randomPointInPart(part: BasePart): Vector3
	local cf, size = part.CFrame, part.Size
	local offset = size *
		rng:NextNumber(-0.5, 0.5), 
		rng:NextNumber(-0.5, 0.5), 
		rng:NextNumber(-0.5, 0.5)
	return cf * offset

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