Parts suddenly have lower quality texture

Hello, I found this weird issue in my game. For some reason it seams like part textures suddenly drop in quality.


Does someone have a clue why could this happen ?

I tried to change lighting a lot, but it didn’t help anything. I also tried to adjust my graphic settings, but no luck there either.

The one’s on the right are used when graphics settings are low, the ones on the left are used when graphics settings are high. Try changing the graphics level in Studio Settings>Rendering.

Adding up to the other reply, this usually happens when you have the ‘Editor Quality Level’ option set to ‘Automatic’ or when you zoom out. You can change it here:изображение_2021-12-03_135728

Thank you for the reply. I have exactly same options as shown on the screenshot, but it still happens.

But it only happens on client side not on the server side. I do have the highest graphic settings possible, but I’ve noticed when I lower the settings those parts in high quality drop to low quality could it have something to do with render distance of some sort ?

I’ve managed to fix it.

I just added this line of code to my custom camera script

workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame