Parts vanish a few seconds after testing

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    I just want my parts to not disappear lol
    The part is anchored, but it shouldn’t be able to fall anyway because of an invisible floor.
    I checked workspace, and it doesn’t move, it simply disappears, deleting itself from workspace.
    I tried to add a script to print it’s position but it stopped working because the part didn’t exist anymore.
    I have similar parts right next to this, that do the same thing (and work). The only difference being is that the crystal is a union, but I don’t see how that should affect anything.
    It literally just vanishes without a trace
    testing grounds - Roblox Studio 2024-05-26 01-37-26.mp4 - Clipped with

You say it’s anchored, but is that from the server side or the client side?
What’s the code in the part too?

Ok so apparently it was client side
I thought it would at least fall and I would see it but no
I feel stupid but thx

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