Parts with Glass material and Transparency = 1 are still visible

Reproduction Steps

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Open an empty place in Studio
  2. Add two parts into workspace and set their transparency to 1
  3. Change one of the parts to the Glass material

You should see that the glass material is still active even though the transparency is 1 (I added a highlight to the parts for easier visuals, but the results would be the same even without the highlight)

Expected Behavior

I expected the glass material to never have any rendering implications when Transparency is 1

Actual Behavior

Glass is still active even when Transparency is set to 1. While I understand the caveats when using the Glass material, the fact that it’s still rendering is causing a multitude of other issues in our game.


The only workaround for this is changing any parts that unnecessarily use the Glass material to not use the Glass material. Unfortunately for us, we have over 50 places that utilize this material for studio dev and change it to Transparency = 1 on runtime.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-27 09:10:00 (-07:00)


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Sorry we’re late to the party. We can’t repro this bug, so we’re going to assume the issue is no longer occurring. Thanks for the report!

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