Party Game Ideas!

I’m currently planning on creating some sort of goofy party game on Roblox, and I’m leaning towards a variation of Super Mario Party. However, I’ve looked into some of the Roblox games based on it, and they generally don’t do that well. So is the idea of a board-based party game not as popular on Roblox, or is there just a lack of ‘good ones’ (No offence!) on the platform? I don’t really want to develop a game featuring a dead genre, so I wanted more insight on this topic.

Again my main goal is to just create some sort of goofy party game on Roblox, not specifically Super Mario Party. So if you have any other party games or goofy fun ideas please let me know as well! :slight_smile:

Youll probably find more people willing to engage with this question if you transfer the post #development-discussion
This channel is for people with technical scripting issues

My fault! I wasn’t paying attention to which category I was posting this in. I re-posted it in #development-discussion, thanks for the heads up :sunglasses: