About Me
Hi! Im a developer making a game!
This is more for people who would like to get some credit as well as some pay since I am on a tight budget. Dont apply if you are doing this solely for money and not for enjoyment or a hobby. There IS Pay however.
The Team
@EternalCanadianDev - Project Lead, Builder, 20%
@fredrick254 Scripter 15%
@GGenderYT - Part Time 3d Modeler {No Percentage}
@thiscouldbeyou - Part Time Scripter
About The Job
We are looking for a scripter to help us in our development. You will need to be able to script a variety of vehicles. Your first job will be to script a tank. Make sure to read below when applying.
Job Details
The tank must have
- Working gun system to fire a rocket from the barrel
- UI to show Ammo.Tank Health, Speed etc.
- Able to move forward and backwards.
- Able to tilt tank body without moving barrel (Like most tanks and/or artillery)
- Must have a viewpoint at the barrel.
- Able to get destroyed
- Reload system (Obviously for the gun system)
- Breaks out in fire when destroyed then de-spawns after 10 seconds.
- People in the tank die when it is destroyed
Our game needs this done at any time. No deadline, you can push back as far as February if necessary.
We are paying a percentage of game revenue since this will be for people who want to script it rather than earn money. You will get 15% as-well as a negotiated amount of robux upon completion.
** All Criticism Welcome! I want to hear some thoughts concerns and what I could do to improve**
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via discord at:
Thanks for reading!