So, recently I changed my password to something convoluted as a security measure after the maker faire, and I can’t remember what it was. No problem, just submit a password request and change it to something I will remember and away we go.
The emails aren’t sending, or they aren’t being received, or something, because I don’t see them and I don’t see them in any sub-directories like spam. I am able to receive “accounts on this email” emails, but not password reset request emails. I checked if the account was on the email I was checking with this method and sure enough, it’s on there, but no password reset request emails.
Did you check any other emails that are in some way (or previously were) linked to your account? Sometimes moderators will swap your current email with the billing email linked to a credit card linked to your account.
The “accounts on this email” never worked properly I’m pretty sure. I’ve changed the email linked to mine, and my username still comes up for both.