"Paste Into" doesn't work for Sound instances

EDIT: 11/6: This is now fixed - Unable to copy & paste sounds - #7 by goofysufi

When right clicking on an instance, or clicking the instance and using the shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + V” to “Paste Into” an object while having Sound objects copied to the clipboard does not appear to put the copied Sound objects into the instance as intended, and this only happens with Sound instances.

Expected behavior

  • The Sound instances should be pasted in and parented to the intended Instance.

Expected Example:

Bug Behaviour:

As you can see, Sound instances do not get pasted into the intended instance as expected.

This wasn’t always like this, Sounds have been able to be pasted into instances like any other instance type. Seems to only have been occuring recently. It is annoying that I have to manually drag pasted Sounds into the area myself rather than being able to paste them into the intended area.


+1 on this also occurs for me as well.

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me too +1, studio also wont let me rename objects and thinks i have multiple things selected so it forces me to unselect everything then reselect what i want to rename


SAME. The past few days/weeks have been weird with alot of things like this. I have a way of parenting some things without dragging ALL the way through the explorer, so I’ll select an object I wanna put inside of another object (using ctrl hold), and then I select a descendant of the object/thing that I’m putting the new child inside of (inside of the parenting object) and drag the new object+existing descendant into the parent to parent both of them at the same time and lately the studio bug acts as if I select like 30 items out of nowhere, and parents all 30 items (30 for example). It’s really stressful.

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I am having the same issue. I thought I was doing something wrong. Thanks for reporting this issue.


Thanks for the report! We are aware of this issue: Unable to copy & paste sounds

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