Paste Into function is pasting objects into Workspace instead of selected object

When I try to copy a sound then paste it into an object, it just pastes it into Workspace even though I’m clearly selecting the object and hovering the right click menu over it.

Expected behavior

I am expecting the pasted objects to show as parented under the object I have selected.


Unsure if this is related, but when working in team create, every time someone else modifies a part in workspace, the entire workspace folder in the explorer opens (even if you are not doing anything). It is incredibly annoying because you’re trying to edit a value (in lighting for example) and workspace would randomly open because someone duplicated a part somewhere.


I hate this too! I hope they can do something about it.


it doesn’t seem to be working in local files too! but they just do nothing after pressing paste into the object. need a fix for this bug

This should be resolved now, are you still experiencing it?